9 Summer Energy Efficiency Tips for Homeowners

Finally! We can officially say it’s summer. In fact, today is the longest day of the year, offering some of us more than 12 hours of sunlight! That’s why we’re sharing these nine summer energy efficiency tips for homeowners that are sure to help you stay cool all season long.

Some of the summer energy efficiency tips for homeowners below are free and can be applied each day, while others are inexpensive ways to help keep energy affordable.

Use window coverings.

Window coverings can be used to keep heat out during the day. In fact, certain materials and styles may even improve energy efficiency in your home.

Put fans to work.

Use ceiling fans and electric fans to circulate cool air around the room. But remember to turn them off if you leave the room for more cost savings in the long run.

Bathroom fans, for example, help draw out heat and humidity, so turn them on when you are taking a shower.

Operate your thermostat efficiently.

You may be tempted to set your thermostat to a cool setting and just leave it there. However, setting it to a comfortable temperature while you are home and setting it to a slightly higher temperature when you are away is a good way to lower your energy bill.

Generally, the smaller the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower the cooling bill.

Add shade around your home.

Create shade around your home to help combat the heat during the day. This could include natural elements, such as trees and shrubs, along with decorative elements like awnings.

Swap out the light bulbs.

If you haven’t done this already, there’s no better time! Switch all your light bulbs to LED bulbs. They keep rooms cooler than options like incandescent bulbs, for instance.

Consider rearranging lamps and TVs.

Here’s one of the summer energy efficiency tips for homeowners you may not consider. Did you know items such as lamps, TVs and computers generate heat?

If these or other hot appliances are too close to your thermostat, it can sense the heat, making it think the room is warmer than it actually is.

Change the air filters.

Another easy way to keep your energy bill lower is to regularly change your HVAC filters. It’s also a good idea to vacuum the air intake vents to help reduce dust and buildup.

Take advantage of the breeze.

If there is a cool breeze, use it to your advantage. Leave doors open, apply cross ventilation and use other techniques to circulate the air throughout your home.

Cook outside.

Do you need another excuse to barbecue? Limit the use of your oven and stovetop by grilling outdoors more this summer. You can also opt for lighter, healthier meals that don’t require much cooking.


Last but not least, talk to your local Realtor about other ways to make your home more energy-efficient. Think of us as your local, friendly experts that love to share helpful knowledge! You can find more helpful tips for homeowners, plus local real estate trends, when you continue to read our blogs.

9 Winter Maintenance Tips for Homeowners

If you are looking for things to do around the house over the Thanksgiving holiday, look no further. Our list of winter maintenance tips for homeowners can act as your to-do list for cold-weather prep!

Do a property walk-about.

Walk around your home and inspect it. Look for small cracks and openings in the foundation. Seal them yourself if possible. If not, reach out to a professional.

Also, check for other potential air leaks around windows, doors and ventilation pipes.

Check your roof.

Make sure to check your roof for any loose shingles that could allow water and moisture to seep into your home. Replace shingles as needed. Don’t forget to check the seal around your chimney as well.

Clean and inspect your gutters.

Fall is messy! Leaves and debris can quickly clog gutters. Keep water flowing away from your home by keeping your gutters clean.

Look for ailing tree limbs.

Strong winds during winter storms could be dangerous to both people and properties if a tree branch snaps. If you see weak or dead limbs, contact a professional tree removal service.

Repair patios and pavers.

If you have loose pavers or stones on your patio, try to fix them before the first freeze.

Winter will only make it worse thanks to what is known as “frost heave.” Basically, it’s when the soil pushes the stone farther out of place.

Protect your pipes.

You can find pipe insulation at local hardware stores and do this money-saver on your own. Put it around pipes under sinks, in crawl spaces and attics, outside and so on.

Insulate your attic and crawl space.

Proper insulation goes a long way. It may cost a little up front whether you opt for a service, or you buy materials and do it yourself.

Add protection to your windows.

As far as winter maintenance tips for homeowners, this one has options. First, you can store your screens and install storm windows.

Or you can hang curtains. Then there’s the option to add caulk or weather stripping to windows as needed. Whatever you choose, adding an extra barrier to your windows is a good idea.

Inspect furnaces and fireplaces.

In fact, your furnace and fireplace should both be inspected annually. This ensures they are safe and working efficiently.


Finally, reach out to your local utility company and request a home energy assessment. Their assessment might provide additional winter maintenance tips for homeowners that will help save more energy and money! For more homeowning tips and other real estate news, keep reading our blogs.