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Home Blog 6 Ways to Build Client Loyalty in Real Estate
ways to build client loyalty in real estate

Client relationships are an essential part of the real estate business. Are you looking for ways to build trust with your clients? Check out these six ways to build client loyalty in real estate.

Make your work stand out.

Clients must make the choice to work with you. What makes you stand out? From your quirky personality and excellent service to your reliability, responsiveness and ability to connect, all of this can help you catch the eye of potential clients and keep them. 

Organize client events.

Want to create loyal clients for life? Spend time with them. This can be done through client events such as seminars or special get-togethers.

Seminars provide valuable information and are a great way for REALTORS® to share their knowledge with clients. Plus, you can invite speakers for different topics and help your buyers and sellers with interior design, landscaping and more. Client events such as barbecues, lunches and more are also a great way to show appreciation and connect on a personal level.

Follow up with your clients.

Just as in life, you should nurture your client connections. Did you see their post about their new landscaping? Have they received attention for a good deed? Reach out and acknowledge it! Compliments go a long way.

Send thank you cards. 

Personal and heartfelt. Take time after closing to handwrite a thank you card to your clients, showing appreciation for choosing you. Be sure to congratulate them on their new home, and if you want to go the extra mile, you can even send a small gift, such as a gift card, to a local business, for example.

 Acknowledge important dates.

Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries—everyone likes to be remembered. Small gestures such as wishing someone a happy birthday, congratulating them on a closing anniversary or even a marriage anniversary are a great way to stay connected and build those loyal relationships.

Share your reliable contacts.

Another one of the best ways to build client loyalty in real estate is to share your reliable contacts. What do we mean by this? Well, when it comes to owning a home, it will need upkeep and, at some point, even repairs. Pass along a list of trusted contractors, repairmen, landscapers or designers.

Be sure to foster your connections with your contacts as well. As you refer them, they can also refer clients to you!


With these six ways to build client loyalty in real estate fresh in your mind, start implementing them today! We guarantee that your clients will appreciate it.

And for more real estate tips and industry news, continue reading our blogs.

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